
having been on the road for the past 6 years on this unplanned road trip across America we never know what to expect. Sometimes we end up some place that has an amazing event happening. This past success was the 2017 eclipse in Albany, Oregon. This unplanned road trip led us to this tiny town where people from all over the world traveled to, to watch the eclipse. Our intentions were never to be apart of this eclipse but as luck would have it…..we just happen to be here for that event. Life changing amazing to view an eclipse like the one we did. We also got to meet so many friendly people who taught us things of the eclipse and shared their special glasses with us. People shared their personal stories of chasing eclipses and living through eclipses in different parts of the world. This road trip has allowed us to connect with so many people and I am forever grateful for that.

Strangers are friends waiting to happen.

always take the roads less traveled

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